Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The biggest item on my to-do list was registering for school
and that now has a big old check mark by it.
Well I am actually more the type to cross things off,
but "check" sounds better than "cross".

I am signed up for 17 credit hours in the spring.

I am taking:
  • Ethics + Values (must for my generals)
  • fitness for life (another generals)
  • Astronomy (this is for generals, but I am actually pretty excited about it)
  • Art history through the Renaissance
  • 2D design
  • Graphic Computer applications
  • plus I still need to sign up for an institute class
Woo woo! Can't wait!

What is on your to-do list today?

1 comment:

Cicely said...


Successfully feed the kids breakfast and lunch. (check)

Get Miles to and from school. (check)

Clean house. (check once. check twice. and TBD.)

Go to the store with two unhappy kids. (check)

Check reader. (check)

Make dinner for missionaries. (I still have time.)

Prepare for a church related meeting at my house tonight. (uncheck.)

Watch Modern Family (check)

Wait excitedly for David to come home. (currently checking)

Love you. (check plus)