Tuesday, August 24, 2010

no more t-shirts

Lately I have been suffering from the "wardrobe blues". This is where you would rather stay in your work-out clothes all day because those are the cutest articles of clothing you own.
I decided to analyze my wardrobe and figure out what it was that was deterring me from wanting to get dressed every morning. Good news! I found the reason.

too many t-shirts!

I have 23 t-shirts.
short sleeved.
long sleeved.
round neck.
and that doesn't include the t-shirts that you wear around on a Saturday or to the beach.
23 plain, boring cotton t-shirts.
no stripes.
no patterns.
no shape.

I think that there are two reasons for my bad wardrobe behavior:
1. I'm real poor. So if I do go shopping the only thing I can justify buying is a t-shirt. They are cheap, usually BOGO. So that way I walk away some what satisfied.
2. I am a simple girl by nature. I am not one that enjoys wearing tights, high heels and skirts everyday (probably thanks to my mission). However, I do think I can find a happy medium.

(lucy supports me)

In conclusion:
I am not going to let myself buy another plain jane t-shirt for one year.
starting today.

Is your wardrobe feeling blue? What are you going to do to cheer it up?

1 comment:

Cain said...

You have inspired me to go through my closet again and clean it out.