Friday, August 6, 2010

Is anyone there?

I'm sure this is a question that many bloggers anyone there? Am I just writing this blog in vain or does someone, anyone read it and appreciate it? I started thinking about why some blogs are more popular than others and how I could maybe follow their example. There seems to be common trends for those blogs that are popular. First, there are a lot of blogs with girls talking about fashion and their wardrobe, one blogger even documents what she wears each day and where she purchased those items. Just thinking about me doing this caused me to have a good belly laugh. My wardrobe mostly consists of clothing from Target, running clothes, and chacos, but one day when we have more money than we know what to do with, I will start blogging about my clothing...maybe. not.
Another trend I noticed is children. Women talking about all the funny things their kids do, or their cool homemade baby food. How about the funny things Lucy does all day? Again, maybe one day. The last trend I noticed was free giveaways. Vintage dresses, kitchen aides, cute earrings, and so on. Hmmm, I don't have any sponsors or anything, but I do like the idea of giveaways. So I will look into that, but until then here is a video I made of our journey across the U.S. to Florida...

p.s. my IT band is causing me great knee pain. The "work out to a hotter bod" experiment is on hold. ugh.

p.p.s. is anyone there?


Crazy Cains said...

We are here, and enjoy hearing about loved ones in far away places. We will try harder tp ;eave comments on our visits.

Gas Passer said...

Aly I am a frequent reader and I enjoy hearing about the southerners of Florida. keep up the good work.

Libby said...

Aly--I'm here!! I love reading about your adventures. The video is awesome! I think you could get more readers by...creating a playlist of great songs that people could listen to--loved the songs on the video. You could put together a new playlist each week or month or whatever. Or you could redesign my house and post it on your blog :) I'm desperate for ideas for a home makeover. I love you and look forward to all of your great adventures.

Cicely said...

I am. And I know how you feel. But, I know that you and your sisters and my sister Sabrena read my blog. Other than that... you never know.

Keep writing.