Saturday, November 27, 2010

the good, the bad and the ugly

the good:
  • Davie and I made it safely to Shaker Heights, OH
  • Lucy has thoroughly enjoyed jumping in the huge leaf piles
  • It's officially that time of year, you know, the most wonderful kind.
  • 17 days until we move back to Utah. Let me hear you shout hooray.
the bad:
  • Tomorrow at 4 am we have an 18 hour drive back to the swamp that we call home.
  • I have to give my work my two week notice this week. nervous poos.
  • Book club is this Thursday and we are only 20 pages into the book.
the ugly:
  • the 2nd and 3rd day we were here, Davey was sick
  • the 4th, 5th, 6th and probably 7th day I have been sick. That includes Thanksgiving. It was ugly. I will spare you the details. Take it from me though, don't go out of town and get extremely sick over the one holiday focused on eating. This in turn has caused me to take zero pictures of our trip. sad.
  • I missed the 2 day Target sale. Those of you that know me, know that I am obsessed with Target. very sad.

Hopefully Christmas will be good, better, best and nothing like this Thanksgiving. At least I had the most adorable niece and nephew to cheer me up. Not to mention the best husband/caretaker ever.

How was your Thanksgiving?


Cicely said...

This is Aly Cain Sharette:

ps. I may have forgotten to mention how so super cool my sister-in-law and brother are. Which is really weird because basically they are my whole world. Love you guys! Can't wait to see you in Utah!

the Lola Letters said...

Oh wow, did you say "nervous poos"?
Did that just happen?

Wow. If I didn't love you before (um, totally did) I sure would love you now!